Happy 2011 To All... |
Another year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Time goes
so fast. I think the clock actually speeds up when you have kids...or maybe you just notice the time going by way too fast more often?
New Year's just makes me wish my girls were still little.
We are strict stay-at-home New Year's Eve people. I like to know that my family is safe and nowhere near a road or highway from sundown to sun up. I simply don't trust people behind the wheel the other 364 days out of the year, and I fear them on New Year's Eve. People get stupid when they drink...I know.
So we have had a tradition from day one when we had kids. Because we stay in and don't go out and party like it's 1999, we stay home and party...
When they were little, we used to spend the evening playing board games, watching movies and just having fun. As they grew, we added video and computer games to the mix. Now? We pretty much do whatever. We make dinner, we have snacks, we make chocolate fondue. And of course there are the random neighborhood fireworks. We used to make sure to watch the ball drop in Times Square with good old Dick Clark every year, but this year
we don't have cable and for some reason we couldn't find it streaming live on the internet
It was kind of lame to have to watch the clock on my laptop....
The one thing that everyone associates our New Year's with is Chocolate Fondue. It's as easy as pouring a bag or two of semi-sweet chips into a pot and melting it. Literally.
See? Really...it's THAT easy. |
Then you chunk up a banana or three... |
Some pineapple... |
Strawberries, of course.... |
And my personal favorite...marshmallows. These are caramel swirled and chocolate swirled marshmallows I found. |
You call a bunch of hungry people to the table...and dig in! |
You eat... |
And eat... |
And eat... |
And eventually drip some on your shirt... |
You feed each other... |
And make faces. Really silly ones. |
Here's hoping that 2011 is a better year than 2010. Now go make some fondue!
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